
Video Break: Animated Short No. 1

elbruce9/04/2010 8:46:55 pm PDT

re: #226 marjoriemoon

I’m having a hard time figuring out what you’re talking about. You move the goalposts around quite a bit.

What sort of things exactly are you talking about when you say they wouldn’t be working immediately or unilaterally.

If it seems like I’m moving the goalposts, it’s only because I’m getting tackled from multiple directions.

There’s the usual charge in response to the sort of things I’m talking about where somebody recharacterizes my position as “yeah sure, Israel should instantly drop all of their security efforts and allow themselves to be blown up!” [I’d like to note for the record that that particular straw-man hasn’t made an appearance in this thread.] Unilaterally doing the right thing on one side only might (is likely to be) too dangerous. It’s the difference between having a “roadmap to peace” and just declaring peace. The latter doesn’t necessarily work on the ground. It takes some patience to get to the ideal solution. I’m only proposing what I think the ideal solution to aim for should be, on its philosophical merits.