
Coulter Speaks to Gay Republicans: 'You're Not Black'

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce9/26/2010 3:50:40 pm PDT

Being mid-to-far left on social issues and frequently deeply conflicted on fiscal ones, I figure I could interject the following (and you won’t care!):

* I think everyone who wants to carry a concealed handgun should be allowed to do so WITH CERTAIN CAVEATS (e.g., no convicted felons, domestic violence perps, etc etc)

* I think a concealed-carry permit that is valid in the state of issue should be valid in all states that allow licensed concealed-carry.

* I am only personally familiar with the classroom testing required by the state of Texas. In my opinion, It is far, far too lax. My understanding is that many states that have shall-issue CCW have based their screening program on that of Texas.

* In accordance with the aforementioned, I would not at all be opposed to a strict federal standard of screening. Laws pertaining to lethal force, the psychology of scary confrontations, the difference between being “kinda apprehensive” and “finding one’s self in the gravest extreme of bodily danger”; and how to actually fire your pistol without accidentally installing aftermarket ventilation ports in the 9 year-old behind your target should be drilled thoroughly, and tested rigorously.