
Tom Waits on the Fallon Show: Raised Right Men

lawhawk7/12/2012 6:50:00 am PDT

re: #239 Targetpractice

Paterno’s family is pushing back, noting that emails show that he was not comfortable with some of the actions taken, but those emails also show that Paterno did nothing to protect the kids once he learned of abuse allegations.

Silence = assent to the abuse.

Paterno could have canned Sandusky at any point once allegations of abuse were made (especially when multiple allegations were made), but never did.

Spanier failed in his duties as president when he failed to notify the board of allegations of abuse in 1998 and 2001. Likewise, the Board failed in its obligations by not pressing for info about those allegations, and inquiring about university matters, as well as holding officials accountable.

Protecting the university’s reputation was the key driver in the actions of those involved - ignoring just how bad the school’s reputation might be damaged as a result of ignoring the Sandusky abuse for years on end.