
GOHMERT! Gay Marriage Means the End of Civilization

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/26/2013 2:14:01 pm PDT

BTW, that statement of Gohmert’s and this one from Bachmann:

Marriage was created by the hand of God. No man, not even a Supreme Court, can undo what a holy God has instituted. For thousands of years of recorded human history, no society has defended the legal standard of marriage as anything other than between man and woman. Only since 2000 have we seen a redefinition of this foundational unit of society in various nations. Today, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to join the trend, despite the clear will of the people’s representatives through DOMA. What the Court has done will undermine the best interest of children and the best interests of the United States.

Are bigoted and wrong in much more than just one way.

Yes, there is the gay-hate, but the depth of the bigotry hardly stops (or even started) there.

What leaps out at me is their view that the very definition of “civilization” they use is one that believes that the only civilizations that existed was the (mostly fantasy) one they accept - that in the Bible.

They are true literalists, not only believing that the Bible is inerrant in every word, but if something is not in the Bible then it didn’t exist. Most of Asia, most of Africa, all the Americas and Oceania - just don’t exist in their concept of civilization (which also shows their inherent racism, btw.)

And historically, marriage, where it was recorded, often included women merely as property. They were worth more than cows or goats, but still were traded as such. And men often had more than one wife, or a wife and concubines.

This amazing blindness to true human history will probably never be made an issue, as most of the screaming will be over the ghey, but I wishe someone would make more of an issue of how provincial an backwards Gohmert, King, Bachmann, et. al. truly are.