
Don Henley Live on Austin City Limits: "The Heart of the Matter"

Targetpractice10/24/2015 6:50:07 pm PDT

re: #239 Pawn of the Oppressor

Not to mention numbers. Where the hell would we get the people for an Eastern Front meat grinder that had just consumed the Nazis? The U.S. was scraping the bottom of the manpower barrel at the end of the war. How would that be sold to the people? “Sure we’re out of money and men, but we’ll take Moscow from those dirty Commies and be home by Christmas”? o_O

I understand the hate for that system - I really do - and the world would have been saved from a lot of pain if the USSR had collapsed in 1951 instead of 1991, but it just was not possible.

Part of Patton’s plan, as I understand it, was to rearm and reprovision the Wehrmacht, then effectively leash them to the US Army in order to make war on the USSR.