
Chaos Watch! Head of Trump's Legal Team Quits Because Trump Won't Follow His Advice

KGxvi3/22/2018 2:41:34 pm PDT

re: #223 HappyWarrior

I consider myself agnostic. Merry Christmas doesn’t offend me at all. I just choose to say Happy Holidays because A) not everyone celebrates Christmas but also because well there’s a big holiday a week after Christmas. Faux whines too much.

This is a hell of an opening refrain:

There’s no polite way to say it. Atheists today are the most arrogant, ignorant and dangerous people on earth.

But the list of grievances is just amazing:

To cite a few recent examples: Last December, the group American Atheists launched its annual billboard campaign with the slogan: “Just Skip Church — It’s All Fake News.” In February, the American Humanist Association became furious when President Trump had the gall to mention Christianity and Jesus Christ without also mentioning atheists—at the National Prayer Breakfast! (How dare he!) And just this month, the Freedom From Religion Foundation raised holy hell because the Reverend Billy Graham was laid out in state in the Capitol Rotunda before his burial.

Billboards and free speech are apparently a threat to religion. The National Prayer Breakfast is a dumb thing, but I don’t remember anyone being outraged - just pointing out that past presidents were usually good enough to acknowledge non-believers. And Billy Graham laying in honor at the Capitol is rightly a damn shame.