
Obama Administration Pulls Out of Durban II

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/27/2009 12:10:44 pm PST

Obama is difficult to figure out personally. I was deeply afraid that we would go to Durban II and make it into an appeasement fest that would throw Israel under the bus.

I am obviously happy that is not now going to happen.

Perhaps, and we can hope more rethinking of his stances happens, and I am not holding my breath, but perhaps in the course of dealing with the real shenanigans that go on in the UN, rather than chattering class discussions of them, Obama will start rethinking some things.

I am not trying to write a giant defense of Obama here. I am however hopeful that he can see reason in the face of evidence - and the fact that he did pull out of this seems to indicate some part of that process happening. I think he truly believes that people around the world are much more reasonable than they actually are. I think he is being disabused of that to a greater or lesser extent.

So I am going to be guardedly hopeful.

In the mean time, Hillary has proven her deep lack of worth yet again. I doubt sincerely that she stands for anything at all. She strikes me as the greatest cypher in politics today.