
Murderous Anti-Evolution Nigerian Islamists

wahabicorridor7/29/2009 5:55:46 pm PDT

re: #239 wahabicorridor

re: #239 wahabicorridor

Not good enough.

You never wrote - nor would any of us - ‘that vegetarians are just like Hitler’

Here is how you DID write:

Vegetarians have some common ground with Hitler:

It’s a bogus and dishonorable construct.

We, here in the U.S. have serious work to do. You were sloppy. Not to mention lazy.

there is serious work to be addressed in the arena of religous people attempting to hijack the luster of science to their cause. Associating these people with the Taliban puts you in the pantheon of Ann Coulter and Michelle Bachman - you’ve got the basic idea and then you



Let me ask you something. Would you associate the moderate Muslimes who reject Darwinism with the Taliban because of their stance on evolution?

Remember your thread on that vile, stupid photoshop of Obama as a shaman/witch doctor? My response was that I really didn’t know McKalip to say whether he was a racist or a right wing nut case - but I do know that it dehumanized another human being - and worse it used the meme of ‘the primitive’ to do it - that we’ve seen this dynamic before, also in the cause of ‘health care’.

What you did was associate people who reject Darwinian evolution with the utter evil that is manifested in the Taliban.

Not cute. Not smart. Not defensible.

As a matter of fact, totally beneath you.

Fight in the schools. Absolutely. Fight for the integrity of the science curriculums. No question.

But not this.