
New Oklahoma Abortion Bill Challenged

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/08/2009 5:24:42 pm PDT

re: #214 tradewind

Key to his presentation is the undermining of knowledge and authority. Yes, he had on two doctors… sat them opposite sides of the table. Gives the viewer the idea that there is a CONTROVERSY with roughly equivalent validity for each side, so the viewer is the one who simply has to make a choice based on personal desire.

This may sound good to you… but it is just another variant of TEACH THE CONTROVERSY!

As near as I can tell, the overwhelmingly wise choice would be to vaccinate those in greatest danger or those who come in close contact with them. Yes, there are two sides of the issue, but the evidence is strongly in support of vaccination.

Don’t fall for the anti-vaxxer version of the “Wedge” strategy.