
Duck, Watching

b_sharp5/05/2010 7:45:20 pm PDT

re: #157 LudwigVanQuixote

To continue debunking an idiot… about smart grids.

One should not be surprised that this fellow is also an avid AGW denier. It would make sense that attacking smart grids would be part of its passion. In many ways this is the same unreasoning obsessive compulsive BS that goes on in AGW only now applied to engineering.

It’s pretty obvious that the auhor isn’t much of an engineer either given that it can not be bothered to discuss actual engineering… But let’s illustrate the stupid some more.

Once again proving how utterly he missed the point he preaches the false and unsubstantiated. The smart grid is independent of the power in the sense that you can plug whatever sort of plant you want into it. But, more importantly, by distributing load with an intelligent algorithm you waste less energy and reduce costs. All the math and numbers are in the links in the previous post. This is math that anyone who would care to even brush up on the subject would look at first.

Well, what do you expect from morons?

It does entertain me that the fool claims to be an engineer - a chemical engineer.

Well we know why places like Bhopal blow up now.

Adding a layer of intelligence on top of the current aluminum/copper system is like adding computers to automobile engines — it’s an improvement, but it’s still an internal combustion engine, not something completely new and “vastly” more efficient.

Man, this is one crappy attempt at misdirection. Where do the discussions about a smart grid claim the hardware, the aluminum/copper infrastructure, will be completely new and vastly more efficient? Increased efficiency, in this context, would be a decrease in cost per kilowatt delivered to the end user. On the other hand, adding computers to car engines has helped to dramatically increase power while significantly decreasing fuel usage, which I do believe can be called ‘efficiency’.