
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

avanti5/20/2010 10:35:37 pm PDT

re: #231 SanFranciscoZionist

I’ll repeat—Muslims may use that example as an excuse to continue traditional abuse of little girls, but Islam is hardly unique among the cultures of the world in treating little girls so. Nor do I kid myself that child marriages would be banned throughout Islam if Mohammed had only married girls over twenty-five.

People are going to start to say I have something against Hindus, but child marriages in that culture go back a lot farther than Islam. Does it suck? Yes, very much. Should we do what we can to help? Absolutely. But historically speaking, I’m still going to guess that Mohammed wasn’t a pedophile in any clinical sense. The legal sense is irrelevent, on account of the the dude’s been dead quite a long time.

Some Biblical scholars contend that Mary would have been wed to Joesph in her very early teens as was the custom at the time. As usual, I’ll defer to Walter on the tradition.