
Iron Man and Sub-Mariner, Issue #1

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin7/03/2011 2:32:47 am PDT

re: #216 BigPapa

Herman Cain does pique my interest. I’m wondering how the GOP will deal with Cain after getting their butthole touched by the election of the First Black POTUS.

If the GOP were up against any other incumbent, they would not pay any attention to Herman Cain.

It should tell us something, that the GOP’s bar is set so low, they are actually considering someone like Michele Bachmann as a candidate, as well as kicking around the name of someone like Herman Cain, who has never held elected office in his life, and knows jack-frack about governing even a municipality, let alone a country complete with the most powerful country on earth.

The same bunch runs some of the most unhinged “candidates” on earth, whackjobs like Carl Paladino, Allen West, Sharron Angle, Christine O’Donnell, Star Parker, and Angela McGowan, and is chomping at the bit for Sarah Palin to get up off her duff and go snuff all the liberals for them or whatever, while they hide behind her skirts.

The only thing lower than a rightwing bigot is a rightwing bigoted coward. I hope some normal conservatives start standing up to these people soon, but I’m not holding my breath.