
Saturday Acoustic Excellence: Julien Régnier-Krief - Ratmott Part 1

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/25/2016 1:38:16 pm PDT

re: #236 Barefoot Grin

There’s been a bit of chapped ass over the supposed fact that the media ignored the 2008 GOP sit-in for expanded drilling when gas was $4.00/gal (and Pelosi called it a “stunt”) but now are lionizing (again, supposedly) the gun reform sit-in. MSM liberal media, donchaknow.

Except it was covered:

A small footnote to the GOP efforts on the House floor: The ultimate irony, especially after chastising Pelosi for “turning off the lights,” is the fact that when the GOP took control in 1995, after 40 years of Democratic rule, they too (like Pelosi also did in January 2007) said “no” to C-SPAN honcho Brian Lamb’s request that the network be allowed to have its own cameras cover floor proceedings, and not solely the House-owned and -operated cameras, which capture only what the “majority party” wants the people back home to see.

In a sense, notwithstanding the merits of their arguments, the House GOP, despite crying foul about Pelosi’s pulling the plug on their microphones, were, in a very real sense, perpetrators and perpetuators of their own victimhood, an embarrassing footnote not lost on the likes of Reps. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) and John Shadegg (R-Arizz) when I reminded them both during hallway gaggles just off the House floor, where they and their great thoughts were not being heard.

It’s not the Democrats fault Periscope and Facebook Live were not invented yet.

They’re just mad because the Democrats out-foxed their attempt to shutter coverage of the event by C-SPAN. Unsurprising for the anti-science party to not understand how technology works.