
Spencer Changes Story, But Still Defends Pro Koln - Update: Pro Koln Organizers Say Spencer and Geller Confirmed in Writing

Ayatollah Ghilmeini4/26/2009 11:21:22 am PDT

re: #204 Sharmuta

I have been working under the assumption that Spencer has not gone off the deep end or has willfully chosen not to see Pro-Koln accurately. Note the quote above. Someone not willing to dig scrutinize ProKoln could take that on face value and make a mistake.

Let me reiterate my purpose for what I have written over the last days: keep the rhetoric civil (here I have utter failed), determine if Spencer was going to Pro Koln, now Spencer and even ProKoln says he is not going. I cannot stop Spencer from damaging his own brand by bad associations. But I also rationally know Islamists and Leftists love tossing fascism around to discredit the right, the good part, us, and the bad.

I do know this, I asked Spencer to publicly disassociate himself from Pro-Koln and he did so.

The next logical step is find someone Spencer and Charles respects to look into this entire mess and clear things up one and for all.