
22% of Brits Would Consider Voting for White Supremacists?

lostlakehiker10/25/2009 12:47:33 pm PDT

re: #160 samsgran1948

Guanxi, Lostlakehiker and Ryannon are kind of close to what I’m thinking: Mainstream Brits have been pushed pretty hard by the PC crowd. Britain is host to a large community of outsiders who voice so much hate for the British nation and British culture. They are told that if they want the newcomers to merge into the British culture, they are narrow-minded, bigoted racists. They see what they think are too many instances of British culture being forced to submit to an alien culture in the name of inclusiveness. The economy sucks, as does the job market. It’s certainly understandable that a lot of Brits are beginning to resent this alien population.

You may have missed part of my point. British culture, itself, is in a sad way. Dalrymple had a phrase that stuck in memory, referring to the British girls who go clubbing and get puking drunk on a regular basis: “vulgar slattern.” Everything would not be just dandy if the immigrants went back to their respective homelands. There are other problems, serious problems.