
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

austin_blue1/05/2010 7:26:37 pm PST

re: #224 bigred1961

It amuses me to see how good ol’ Joe McCarthy is still the ultimate boogie man to the left. Why? Because he was right. The State Department HAD been infiltrated by Communists. McCarty used inflammatory rhetoric and played fast and loose with many of the facts, but history has proved he was right. So to me accusing someone of McCarthyism is tantamount to admitting that they are right.

And the collateral damage was OK with you? Wow. The lives ruined by his witch hunt was acceptable because of the very few commies in government positions?

John Henry Faulk:

McCarthy was a pitiful, self-aggrandizing, drunken punk.