
Virginia Challenges EPA Greenhouse Gas Finding

The Shadow Do2/19/2010 8:46:23 pm PST

re: #231

No, I don’t know that, not one bit.

I was deeply involved in the rule-making process here, for the agency I worked for.

The comments we received, and heard in hearings, were taken very seriously. Well, the ones that were rationally presented, not the ones that were strictly emotional (but it’s not faaair! etc).

These things were taken very seriously. And there were plenty of times we would hold something for months, with endless meetings and discussions about the issues involved - and other times we would simply withdraw our proposal altogether.

Don’t think that you have no voice.

I too have been inside the sausage making process. My experience was a tad different. Good old boy is not necessarily a backroom thing anymore. It is even less overt but nonetheless there.