
Monday Afternoon Music: Don Ross

Mostly sane, most of the time.2/22/2010 3:27:19 pm PST

Hey, Mandy…

We went in Thursday for that ADHD study. Turns out that we don’t qualify for the longitudinal study (his teacher and his mother have to be two different people), but they needed us for the pilot study, to be guineau pigs. He still got his prize and his $20, so he’s happy.

They separated us and had me answer questions about him, including questions about different issues in his genealogy. That was emotional for me, because I was saying “No” for him to questions that I knew the answer was “Yes” for other children.*

He got to answer questions on a computer while wearing electrodes to measure his heartrate. He said it was boring. They had us do something together while he was still hooked up.

The only unpleasant part was taking the electrodes off. We determined that fast was the best way to go.

He even got to eat in the hospital’s cafeteria! Wow!

I’m not sure exactly what they were measuring, since it’s not always scientificially a good idea to tell the subjects. I’m wondering if they were watching the difference between his doing stuff on his own and with me.

*In case you are not a parent, when you go in for an evaluation on your child, all you want to hear is how terrifice your child is. Everything else is unhappy to hear.