
Overnight Open Thread

Cato the Elder7/24/2010 8:31:27 am PDT

Re Breitbart:

Everyone with a lick of sense is justly outraged at what he did to destroy a good woman’s career and life. Now that it’s bounced back as instant karma on him, he shows himself for the wussy he is. A real man would have stood up and said he’s sorry. Scratch that. A real man would build a freaking time-machine and go back and undo everything he’s done for the last two years.

What I want to know is, where’s the outrage over what he and his bobble-headed friend O’Keefe did to the many equally innocent people at ACORN? I have no figures ready to hand, but ACORN was a large organization. How many jobs did he destroy? How many people are unemployed today because of his straight-up campaign of lies, smears, and innuendo? And how many other people whom ACORN might have helped are suffering as a result?

This man should be held accountable.