
A Security Lapse in Philadelphia

ClaudeMonet10/10/2010 9:07:00 pm PDT

re: #230 SteveC

Just about time to go. My wrist is healed but my hand is swollen and I can’t close my fist, so another therapy session tomorrow.

The ER Doc in Houston told me it was NOT broken, but they put me in a splint to stabilize a sprain. Not a word said about keeping it elevated, no sling… and after bouncing my head off the floor, I was too stunned to ask. AFTER I got home 3 days later my local doc didn’t like the way it looked and ordered more X-rays. A bone in my wrist was cracked.

I am sure hoping that those three days of not treating it as a break didn’t mess my hand up permanently. :(

About 20 years ago, one of our local emergency rooms failed to properly diagnose a broken bone in my mother’s foot. Once she got a competent radiologist to take and examine an X-ray, all was taken care of. No permanent damage—but she’s never gone to that ER again.

Good luck with the wrist. It may take a while for your power hitting stroke to come back, so be patient.