
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk5/04/2011 6:57:11 am PDT

re: #231 theye1

Or - the US had the ability to shut down/spoof the radar/intel systems with false data preventing any response.

Seeing as the US has provided quite a bit of the gear that the Pakistanis use, it wouldn’t be difficult for the US to come up with countermeasures to its own gear.

Or - someone within the Pakistani military in Abbotabad was keyed in on the mission and didn’t allow any Pakistani military units to respond until after the raid was done.

It should also be noted that the Pakistani military has a tough time of operating in the frontier provinces and those provinces are pretty much autonomous.

As I have been noting - the govt in Islamabad is walking a real thin line - they can’t admit that they had any role in the mission lest the Islamists decide to overthrow the government, and they can’t say that they had no role lest they lose support of the US or the West in their ongoing counter-terror operations (Pakistan is a nexus of significant Islamic terror ops against Western and Pakistani targets, to say nothing of attacks against India or inside Afghanistan).