
Video: George Will Stands by His Column on Sexual Assault

wrenchwench6/20/2014 4:27:23 pm PDT

re: #233 Aunty Entity Dragon

I had a massive, week long fight with my brother that played out over facebook, private phone calls and email…all over a fb post I put up about supporting ‘slutwalks’ that focus shame on rapists instead of the victims. My brother was utterly apolplectic that I would post such a thing and ended up publically disowning me as a family member after I took down several stalker-ish posts he left on my fb front page where he cursed at and attacked a female college friend of mine who defended my position.

He just recently started talking to me again, but things will never, ever be the same between us.

I talked to three different counselors about the incident and showed them the emails. Two of them were convinced he had sexually assaulted smeone in the past based on his reaction to e original post.

There’s no doubt in my mind that George Will can imagine himself in the position of a rapist (or at the very least, accused of rape) much more easily than he can imagine himself as a woman doing anything.