
Casual Bigotry From the Front Page of the Wall Street Journal

Decatur Deb9/12/2014 9:19:03 am PDT

re: #222 CuriousLurker

Heh, my new PC is due to be delivered today and I was just looking at the FedEx tracking info. Looks like it originated in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico then traveled up through El Paso, Texas, then to Memphis, and finally to Jersey… ZOMG, someone get Louie Gohmert on the phone?!!11! Has this thing been checked for hidden illegal immigrant jihadis? Do you think it has jihadi cooties?

Wait, maybe it’s a trap. Maybe the DHS is in cahoots with the NSA, FBI (and probably the ZOG) and they know I’m Muslim so they diverted the shipment to Mexico, then sent it from there so… something… entrapment… conspiracy…

If it has an ‘extra’ hard drive, Paulie Walnuts will be by to pick that up. Shipping error.