
[Updated] Kansas City: Muslim Teen Intentionally Struck by SUV Dies

ObserverArt12/06/2014 11:58:50 am PST

For the last two weeks all I have read is people going out of their way to justify why all these people end up dead by cop.

Sure would be nice if we could take some of that energy and try to justify police need better ways to apprehend people that don’t result in unjust death.

In each case it was the overreaction by the police that led to the results. It was not the initial crimes. Think about that. Justify that.

What is the consistent factor? The police response once on scene.

None of the infractions prior to the cops coming onto the scene were huge crimes. How do so many justify the outcomes??? Isn’t it just as easy to see this as huge problem? Or, are all those people fine with it all?

My brain must not work right, because I do not see how all these people so easily accept all this as acceptable.