
Gaza Video Supplier Responds

Last Mohican1/11/2009 11:19:54 am PST

The Norwegian Connection
Part Two: Friendship Troms-Gaza’s Early Involvement in Pro-Palestinian Film

As the host of not one but two annual international film festivals, Troms provides a fertile environment for international activism through filmmaking. One of these festivals is the Troms International Film Festival, held annually in January. TIFF appears to present films with a wide range of subject matter. The other festival, the Nordic Youth Film Festival (NUFF or NYFF), began in 1991, takes place annually in May or June, and appears to take a decidedly far-left-wing political approach to film, evidenced not only by the content of its films, but by the fact that some of NUFF’s posters have featured a large “worker’s fist” or the term “filmrevolusjon,” and by the fact that the top of its website features a Palestinian propaganda photo from the current Israel-Hamas war, and a pro-Palestinian film produced at NUFF 2006. Before each year’s NUFF international film program and competition, small groups of aspiring filmmakers from around the world (ages 15-25, according to FTG’s site), are assigned into small groups, in which they produce their own films, with the help of more senior filmmakers who have gathered for the festival.

Since it was first organized into its present form in May 2006, Friendship Troms-Gaza has used NUFF to promote pro-Palestinian activism through film. Indeed, the minutes from FTG’s very first board meeting, which took place on June 12, 2006, mention only one specific project: “Nordic Youth Film Festival (NUFF), and visits from Gaza in that regard.” (Click the “board” part of the website, then navigate to the minutes from the 2006 board meetings) Along with NUFF, the Palestine Committee in Troms, and the Municipality of Troms, FTG was a co-sponsor of the “focus on Palestine” (click the “projects” part of the site) which NUFF incorporated into its 2006 Festival, which took place between June 6 and June 15.

The “focus on Palestine” had several elements. Three young Palestinian filmmakers were brought to Troms for the project: Nehal Afan, Badreia Sugar and Ahmed Mashharawi, who is also sometimes listed as Ahmed El-Mashharawi or Ahmed Khalid Mashharawi. An older, more established Palestinian filmmaker, Rashid Mashharawi, was also brought to the festival, and served on its panel of judges. Although Rashid and Ahmed are both from Gaza, there is no mention of whether they were related or knew each other. One of the student groups’ films made before the festival was, according to FTG’s August 29, 2006 meeting notes, inspired by the situation in Palestine, and was on the subject of “crossing borders.” That may be the film that is now on NUFF’s homepage.

During the festival itself, three films about “Palestine” were shown. One was made by Anniken Hoel, whom FTG had sent to Gaza as early as 2004, with a cast of two Palestinians:

Norge/Palestina 2006 doc 17’00

Prod: Ingeborg Solvang

Dir: Anniken Hoel

Script: Anniken Hoel

Music: Rune Lindbk, Bjrn Harald Be 

Cast: Nehal Afana, Badreia Sukkar