
Economic Failure Endorses Stimulus

Hengineer2/19/2009 3:09:53 pm PST

re: #235 razorbacker

We don’t buy as many groceries as some do, because the barter system keeps us in eggs, some beef, turkey, and during the summer and fall months ‘bout near all the produce that we eat.

But the wife (she won’t let me shop for food, she claims that I’m too cheap. I’m not cheap, I’m thrifty) has been wifeing for a couple of years that the cost of foodstuffs is going up way more than stated inflation.

We’ve helped some by buying flour, sugar, cooking oil, rice, beans and the like in bulk quantities. But storage is an issue.

Another beef I have with Iowa…

Farm Subsidies must go, Forced subsidization of Corn based ethanol must go.