
Ann Coulter: RINO, Sodomy Supporter

lawhawk8/18/2010 7:16:03 am PDT

Newsweek has a list of the most notorious bloggers in America:

1. Andrew Breitbart
2. Perez Hilton
3. Andrew Sullivan
4. Sandra Rose
5. Michael Wolff
6. Michelle Malkin
7. Michael Arrington
8. Markos Moulitsas

I’ve got to confess I haven’t heard of Rose, Wolff, or Arrington (though I have seen Techcrunch from time to time).

Of that list, Breitbart, Sullivan, Malkin, and Kos certainly deserve their place on the list. Breitbart especially at the top of the list.

In the words of Kos - Screw ‘em!