
Friday Night Jam: Bob Schneider, "The Effect" (Live on Bing)

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam6/29/2013 9:14:48 am PDT

re: #238 Targetpractice

What Coto really showed, at least in my opinion, is what Enterprise could have been if an actual fan of the franchise had been put at the helm from the beginning and allowed to delve into its past, rather than two smug pricks who felt that their previous magnum opus (Voyager) was such a hit that they could remake it with a different cast and still have the same “success.”

I watched Voyager, and liked it at the beginning, but the constant deus ex machina plot devices and encounters with species supposedly thousands of light-years away got to be tiring real fast. Brannan and Braga seemed to have no overall plan for the series, other than the thin premise the crew was trying to get home.