
Detroit Goes Bankrupt, Wingnuts Celebrate

HoosierHoops7/18/2013 8:04:34 pm PDT

The Situation about Detroit is not one to be gloating over..Why did the City fail? I think many are too quick to just assign blame as a political point and self- justification.
There was a period of time when Detroit was the jewel of America..The Motor City..
The area was just fucking full of cash..The money was flowing like wine and Detroit did whatever any big city would do..They built a social infrastructure helping the poor..A well paid middle class with benefits..Mansions were built by the rich with great education.
Man..Detroit built skyscrapers and sports venues All those things we expect any great city should do. And the cash kept rolling in..And everybody over reached with it.
Political leaders, Unions.. right down to citizens..Thus this is a cautionary tale.
We all do it..Everyone..It’s human nature..As soon as I would pull in some big paychecks I’d go out and buy shit..We all do it..Bigger house, Car, TV stuff like that..
Credit is easy and times are good..
It is a cautionary tale..
It is heartbreaking to see a city crumble before my eyes..There is no joy or glee.