
Friday Jam: The Bird and the Bee, "Will You Dance?"

Backwoods Sleuth7/18/2015 8:37:13 am PDT

Inside the Pluto ‘Truther’ Movement, Which Claims Flyby Was Faked

A man who goes by Crow Trippleseven questioned the initial Pluto images in a YouTube video last week that has garnered more than 50,000 views. “This is silliness and games and they are literally robbing the American people and then lying to them,” he says of NASA in the video, which Gizmodo picked up. His argument: How is it that NASA’s images of Pluto, supposedly taken from a only few million miles away, are of a poorer quality than those he took of Jupiter with his telescopic camera from 484 million miles away?

Referring to a photo of the New Horizons spacecraft, Crow says in the video it’s “probably sitting in a Burbank, Hollywood soundstage somewhere.” He adds: “If you want to see the real Pluto, I’m sorry to say, you’ve got to go to Disneyland.”

good grief.