
The Bob & Chez Show: Caleefonya

Blind Frog Belly White6/08/2016 1:44:23 pm PDT

re: #221 Shiplord Kirel

Good grief! Freeper nikos1121 goes full frontal with the mythical past. Still a good exposition of how these people think.
Hillary, I agree, ā€œTrumpā€™s idea of making America great again, means taking America backwards.ā€

Er, no. Happy Days is a work of fiction. Besides, outside of Anytown USA there were social, political, artistic, and scientific developments well under way in the 50s that would change the world. There is a lot more at the link if you can stand it.

Also, a time whenā€¦

We taxed the everloving fuck out of rich people,

Unions were strong and strikes were frequent,

The average guy wouldnā€™t cross a picket line because he identified with the worker and knew that increasing his wages would help everyone,

The wealthy were viewed with healthy skepticism, not worshipped.

And for those not white, straight, Christian, or male, a time whenā€¦

A married couple could be prohibited from buying contraception,

A gay man or woman could be jailed for consensual sex, or beaten with impunity,

Blacks in many states couldnā€™t vote, or eat at the same lunchcounter with whites, or go to the best schools, or go to a good hospital,

ā€œMarital Rapeā€ was a nonsensical phrase,

Yeah, just a PARADISE.