
Look Out, Here Come the Birthers Again, Led by "Malik Obama" and Drudge Report

lawhawk3/10/2017 7:09:45 am PST

GOP dumbfuckery:

Yeah, I had to read that again. These GOP fuckers don’t even know how cancer care is done. If you think cancer can be treated in an ER you have to have had been born with rectal cranial inversion.

Hospitals simply can’t treat cancer in an ER. Oncology wings are specialized care areas that have not only surgery wards, but specialized and very expensive equipment, including cyberknife/x-ray equipment to blast cancer areas, linear accelerators to generate particles for cancer treatments, specialized in-patient areas for treatment and care, infusion centers, etc. That’s one of the reasons that not every hospital has a specific oncology program.

So no, you can’t just go to the ER to deal with your breast cancer. Or prostate cancer. That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.

Combine that with HHS honco Price’s stunning dumbassery of his own: