
Who Better to Mock the Ridiculous "Flat Earth" Movement Than Lewis Black? [VIDEO]

KGxvi11/26/2018 2:33:42 pm PST

re: #240 HappyWarrior

Yep Clinton signed DOMA after all. With FDR for me, it’s while I do appreciate things like war time leadership, the New Deal, and I do feel he got us out of the Depression, I do see his flaws more as I’ve read more. There’s a new biography out on his 1940 opponent, Wendell Wilkie who I think was a great man but wouldn’t have been able to do what FDR did in WWII. FWIW I think all four FDR’s opponents were quality guys. I don’t really have too much critical to say of Hoover(I do feel he messed up on the Depression in many ways but I don’t feel he was a bad guy, just someone who was out of touch with how to respond to a crisis like that), Landon(Very interesting guy who died only a year before I was born in 1986 and ended up championing a lot of the Great Society and whose daughter served with Bob Dole in the Senate), Wilkie (great guy especially on foreign issues, really pissed me off that Zell Miller tried to liken himself to him in his 2004 RNC keynote), and Dewey (Liked the 1948 version better but 1944 was still solid.) TBH I find more to like than dislike about most of the GOP candidates until Goldwater in 1964. I’m probably voting a straight Dem line from 1932-1964 for President but I’m not disappointed when Ike wins even though he did create the Nixon beast but Nixon in the late 40’s through early 60’s was a different guy than the guy who courted Strom Thurmond later.

Even if Eisenhower doesn’t pick Nixon as his running mate, it’s entirely likely that Nixon runs for president at some point anyway. He was a Representative at 34, and a Senator by 37.