
22% of Brits Would Consider Voting for White Supremacists?

lostlakehiker10/25/2009 12:54:28 pm PDT

re: #205 PT Barnum

I personally think a national sales tax is a better choice, but it disproportionately affects those who spend everything they earn, as opposed to those who have more than they need.

Those with more than they need are therefore incentivized to not spend what they have so that they never pay taxes on it.

A national sales tax of 10% is fully equivalent to a flat rate income tax of 10%, with no deductions or personal exemptions. The guy who saves his money doesn’t pay the tax then and there, but he cannot escape paying it sooner or later. The amount of stuff he can buy with his earnings is reduced by 10% either way.

It bears keeping in mind that you cannot take it with you. Money not spent may as well never have been earned. re: #243 ausador

Pssst, quick add the druken boys to that before people accuse you of being a misogynist.


I seem to recall having said something unkind about British “soccer fans” already. Presumably, these are mostly men. It’s just that it’s a novelty in the culture when the girls take up two-fisted drinking. With the Russians, by contrast, the men drink so much that their lifespan is five or ten years less than the women’s.