
President Obama Speaks at Knox College

Kragar7/24/2013 12:44:14 pm PDT

Peterson: Barack and ‘Angry Black Female’ Michelle Obama Trying ‘To Take Power Away From the White Man’

As one of the key figures in the Black American Leadership Alliance, which staged the March for Jobs, Peterson has emerged as one of the nativists’ favorite critics of immigration reform.

In a speech to the conspiratorial, anti-Semitic John Birch Society last year, Peterson expanded on his claims that President Obama is racist and demonic, charging that “Barack Obama hates white Americans” and represents “evil.”

He also took issue with First Lady Michelle Obama: “We have an angry black female in control and if you want to know what an angry black female can do to you, go to the Post Office.”

Later, Peterson claimed the president “wants to take power away from the white man and give it to people who [want] handouts, with socialism mentalities.”

He encouraged the John Birch Society members to push back against Obama’s black “mission” against white people by acting like parents who sometimes have to punish rebellious children: “if you don’t stand up to your kids they will take over your household and they’ll put you out if you allow them to have their way.”