
Video: Donald Trump Says Breitbart Reporter "Made Up" the Assault Story

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam3/11/2016 7:39:57 am PST

re: #240 William Lewis

Oy. You have my sympathy. My second job is as a delivery driver for the local Hut. Or is that Hutt? I do get tired of their pizza fast though. Thankfully they have an acceptable meat/marinara sauce for pasta.

Do you cook? I’ll give you my crust recipe then it’s a matter of finding ingredients - and I can’t imagine trying to find decent mozzarella there…

I can cook, but my kitchen (like most Chinese kitchens) is not equipped with an oven. I have a two-burner gas cooker and a microwave which the university provides, plus the slow cooker, bread maker and rice cooker that I’ve acquired.