
Trump Surrogate Jason Miller Backs Out, Then Trump Adviser A.J. Delgado Deactivates Her Twitter Account

Mattand12/25/2016 9:20:34 am PST

Hey, kids:

Just wanted to drop a Merry Xmas, Happy Hanukah, Blessed Ramadan, Grudgingly Acknowledged Festivus, and anything else I missed to the LGF community at large.

I don’t say it nearly enough, but you folk are one of the few bright spots in my travels around the Internet. I really appreciate you all putting up with me these last six years or so. I always question what, if any, value I bring to the party here, but I do appreciate Charles and everyone letting me hang out.

It’s also turning out to be a trying Xmas this year in South Jersey. The jerk below keeps trying to eat my brand new thermal socks. Really galling, considering we don’t charge him any rent.

Enjoy your day, everyone!
