
Natalia Lafourcade: "María la Curandera"

Dangerman6/10/2024 8:58:59 am PDT
A new CBS News/YouGov poll finds 80% of Republicans believe that the criminal charges brought by the Manhattan district attorney were because of “directions that came from the Biden administration,” rather than merely by “prosecutors in New York.”

A clear majority of Americans, 57%, don’t believe this. But the idea has taken hold in Trump’s base.

how many of that 80% actually ‘believe’ it vs just know how to answer a poll to their benefit?

it’s easy to say you believe anything when there’s nothing riding on it. no risk to you, you dont have to back it up or explain it or how it works.

then again, maybe they do ‘believe’ —- where belief is faith without proof. totally subjective, no standard of evidence. they believe ‘in’ a conspiracy the way they believe ‘in’ religion. as it’s fed to them, without questioning.

they cannot believe “that”. belief ‘that’ means an assertion of an objective truth. and it’s one they are unable to explain, let alone substantiate