
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/21/2009 12:19:40 pm PDT

re: #240 AJStrata

Very well, let’s have at it as you say… And BTW, a couple of ground rules. I have given some thought to the anger with which I responded to your comments, so I will keep my sniping to a minimum and prove you wrong solely on the basis of science.

You have made a very large series of false claims that are simply not true. I shall do my best to address as many of them as I can as time permits. I too have a life.

So let’s get on it. Quotes are all yours.

your degrees mean little unless you have experience in the field.

Which is true. And by your own admission, you do not.

There are two sets of data over the past 30 years. The satellite data (using a single calibrated instrument to measure all points on the globe) shows no significant warming.

This is an outright lie on multiple counts. First off, of course the satellite data shows significant warming.
There are also multiple satellites measuring this. In fact NASA alone has 17 doing it.

Given that these are NASA programs, and you claim expertise from NASA, it is particularly egregious that you do not know of them and that you distort their findings.

All of the following satellite programs, and there are more, show increasing temperatures. All papers linked are cited more than 100 times.



ASTER is supported by the European ERS1

Just throwing that paper in in case you want to say ASTER doesn’t work…

and AIRS are four of them you should know about.

Here is a review from 1998, of how you get data from these sorts of things - the basic physics at least - which you are falsely discounting, but should actually know yourself, so you would not make such errors…

Now what of the actual data? You falsely claim it shows no warming. This is also an outright lie.

Here is the truth. It turns out that we are warming faster than the models predicted…

And here is a review of the actual measurements:

Again, since this is from NASA, and you claim your own authority by association with NASA, you should not lie about what the data says.