
22% of Brits Would Consider Voting for White Supremacists?

Wishbone10/25/2009 12:55:26 pm PDT

re: #213 ausador

The English bitching about immigrants and race mixing makes no damn sense as Defoe tried to point out all the way back in 1703. We make even less sense bitching about it over here considering we are all immigrants as of just a couple of hundred years ago. It’s scary that so many seem to have forgotten that.

The English aren’t.

Taking part in the BBC Question Time Edition featuring Nick Griffin, Baroness Warsi made one highly pertinent observation. That being that the problems that most Brits have with immigration issues are not ones of race or colour. The question was simply one of numbers. Limited resources, limited space, limited housing stock… becoming more limited each and every time the doors are thrown open without so much as thought to the fact that our nation can only bear so much before becoming overwhelmed.

What really pisses Brits off, is when some spineless little shit of a politician like Jack Straw sits on the same panel and embarrasingly dodges answering a question that we all wanted to know the answer to: ‘Did he think that the main parties’ refusal to deal with the issues of immigration, issues that were high on the public agenda, had in any way contributed to the fact that the likes of shite like the BNP had made gains in the political arena?’

The English, or British for that matter, aren’t ‘bitching about race’; excepting the small minority who really are a bunch of racist fucks, of course. As I said… We’re bitching about ‘Numbers’.