
The Pentagon Shooter's Extreme Right-Libertarian Beliefs, Revisited

SanFranciscoZionist3/10/2010 3:30:20 pm PST

re: #231 RogueOne

I almost disagree. I haven’t read that Tiller or Hasan were institutionalized on a regular basis. I don’t think religious zealots are necessarily “nuts”.

OK, fair point, although by ‘nuts’ I do not really mean ‘clinically mentally ill’. What about ‘political zealots’? Or we could just sub out ‘zealot’ for ‘nut’, except that I would say Randall Terry is a zealot, he’s just not the kind of zealot who will ever do anything that he could actually go to jail for.

Old Yiddish proverb—‘it’s good to poke the fire with someone else’s hand’. How do we distinguish between those who wish to poke the fire, and those who volunteer to do it with their own hands?