
Bachmann Dodges 'Submission' Question on 'Face the Nation'

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin8/14/2011 3:00:26 pm PDT

re: #241 Dark_Falcon

I know we often see comments on articles from other webs sites that are loony, but this next one from National Review is so right-on I had to repost it. It’s part of a thread from this article on Michelle Bachmann’s appearance on ‘Meet the Press’. The poster is responding to a previous comment. His except of that comment is in italics in the original and in my quoting:

“Yep, that what I thought she was saying. Still, that alone is a problem because that statement appeals to two groups of people - strict social conservatives and blacks. That’s it.”

Well whoever that blithering idiot Scott Wilson is in the comment is, he needs to put down the conservative homeschool courses, enroll in a real school, and take some courses.

Typical of his ilk, he misses the joke that even the people at NRO are bright enough to get.

re: #241 Dark_Falcon

I know we often see comments on articles from other webs sites that are loony, but this next one from National Review is so right-on I had to repost it. It’s part of a thread from this article on Michelle Bachmann’s appearance on ‘Meet the Press’. The poster is responding to a previous comment. His except of that comment is in italics in the original and in my quoting:

“Yep, that what I thought she was saying. Still, that alone is a problem because that statement appeals to two groups of people - strict social conservatives and blacks. That’s it.

In 2008, the Republican party lost the college educated-vote for the first time since they’ve been polling the college-educated voters.”

Well, being what appears to be a typical, miseducated conservative bigot, Scott Wilson needs to put away the homeschool courses, enroll in a real educational institution, and take some classes. ANY institution, ANY classes, on ANY topic will do.

Typical of his ilk, he missed what even someone at NRO, by hook or by crook, was bright enough to pick up on…the utter disconnect between Bachmann’s “submission” talk with the socon view of “personal bondage” and “enslavement”. From the article:

When Bachmann argued that “submission” meant “respect,” Gregory joked, “Congresswoman, I didn’t even have to check with my wife, and I know those two things aren’t equal.”

“Well in our house, it is,” Bachmann shot back.

Near the end of the segment, Gregory asked Bachmann about her views on gays and lesbians. He played a clip of Bachmann saying that the gay lifestyle was “personal bondage, personal despair, and personal enslavement.”

But then, there are cons so self-loathing and ignorant, they believe parroted phrases like “I’m my own master” is a concept that makes any sense. Yes. I am enslaved to myself, and this is a good thing. Uh-huh.

Stupid dupes. The rest of the social butthurt in the comments is equally hilarious.