
Greenwald: Snowden Leaked Secrets to "Ingratiate Himself to Hong Kong and China"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/25/2013 3:50:42 pm PDT

Meanwhile, out there in the big sky country:

“Far right” label unfairly applied to John Birch Society

A recent letter to the editor voiced concern over the Republican Party being taken over by the “far right.”

That label has long been used in attempts to attach a stigma to any group or individual that supports less government and more individual responsibility, free enterprise or constitutional government.

As a longtime member of the John Birch Society, I’m offended at being labeled as “far right.” The Society has, since its founding over 50 years ago, promoted adherence to our Constitution. Unfortunately, most of our nationally elected officials who have taken an oath to uphold that document either have not read or fail to understand it. At least the majority of them continue to vote for policies contrary to the role of the limited government therein.

Just look around you. The unprecedented freedom and prosperity we see are a result of that God-inspired work, where government is limited and the individual is free to prosper and have a higher reach. The wealth of a nation is its productivity. Government produces nothing, and our founding fathers had firsthand experience with government run amok. They did their best to provide this nation with checks and balances to keep history from repeating itself and the heavy hand of tyranny once again taking control.

Before you accept at face value a label on an educational organization like the John Birch Society, investigate it yourself. That is very easily done by visiting their website at

Larry Woolston


So, all you nasty people labeling the JBS as “far right” need to stop, and see the truth.