
Video: President Obama Speaks on the Affordable Care Act

William Lewis10/30/2013 4:05:20 pm PDT

re: #217 piratedan

this is the same America where Dancing with the Stars and Breaking Bad co-exist semi-peacefully…. no accounting for taste. It’s a big enough market to allow for each entry to find it’s own niche. Remember, in the US, this stuff was primarily marketed as cartoons as a means to peddle merchandise, that’s changing as well, at least for some of the genre.

I find it very easy to believe that of those two things - equally despicable things - as they appeal to the the same level of fantasy in people who hate their day to day lives in some really deep manner. People want to believe that a few fancy steps can make their lives better and if they can’t, then killing everyone and making money by making poison that destroys the lives of everyone around them is an acceptable option.

I’ve tried to watch both. I really find them both equally offensive and neither has any redeeming virtue. IMO & all that.