
Glenn Beck Thinks His Network Is Led by "A Higher Power"

Gus3/20/2014 12:51:54 pm PDT

Here’s the text summary:

Ensuring Public Involvement in the Creation of National Monuments Act - Amends the Antiquities Act of 1906 to subject national monument declarations by the President to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA).

Prohibits: (1) the President from making more than one such declaration in a state during any presidential four-year term of office without an express Act of Congress, or (2) such a declaration from including private property without the informed written consent of the affected private property owner.

Requires such a declaration: (1) to be considered a major federal action under NEPA if it affects more than 5,000 acres; (2) to be categorically excluded under NEPA and to expire three years after the date of the declaration (unless specifically designated as a monument by federal law) if it affects 5,000 acres or less; and (3) to be followed by a feasibility study that includes an estimate of the costs associated with managing the monument in perpetuity, including any loss of federal and state revenue.