
Police Run Amok in Ferguson While Gov. Jay Nixon Prays, Meets With 4H Club

Kragar8/14/2014 12:41:03 am PDT

Dog the Bounty Hunter cares more about accountability than the fucking Ferguson cops.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Exclusive: Dog ‘Bounty Hunter’ claims he’s close to ‘War Machine’ arrest

Are cameras rolling right now?

Yes, I’m employed by CMT. I don’t know how much you know about the show, but we signed a contract. And whatever we do, the cameras are following us. We can’t say, “Don’t share this,” or “Don’t do this.” Cameras actually protect everybody — it’s the reason mostly all cops use them on their dashboards now. The camera protects everybody. We’ll give him a chance to tell his side of the story, if there is a side to that.