
Columbia Journalism School Review Finds "Major Failures" in Rolling Stone's UVA Rape Story

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam4/06/2015 3:22:03 am PDT

re: #245 Justanotherhuman

Were the people at Rolling Stone so confident, so secure in their own “talent” and abilities to run a newspaper, that they, chastised by the fucking Columbia School of Journalism, have only recently recognized that they are capable of truly serious, harmful errors?

That is real hubris.

It used to be a fundamental law in newsrooms that every fact, name, source, quote or number was checked at least twice. If there was only one, unnamed source, then there had to be corroborating information that made that source credible. Running a story with only one source is a recipe for disaster.

The CJR report is written in a dispassionate, professional manner, but I can just imagine what those professors said among themselves.

J schools are apparently not doing a real good job teaching the basics of reporting nowadays.