
Thursday Night Blues: Joe Bonamassa, "Blues of Desperation"

makeitstop8/05/2016 7:52:17 am PDT

Another random thought I had before falling asleep last night…

When you break it all the way down, Trump is basically delivering a sales pitch, just like he would to potential investors if he wanted them to sign on to a development project.

Anyone who’s done any type of sales pitch/presentation knows that you get one shot at delivering a great pitch - a sales presentation is something where you prepare for weeks to go in and take one swing and you either succeed or you don’t. It’s not the type of thing that you deliver over and over again, but that’s what Trump is doing here.

This might explain why he gets so bored with it and veers off script so much (along with having the attention span of a gnat). And as we get deeper into the campaign and his numbers don’t improve, he’s going to get even more bored and impatient, and after a while he’ll be just mailing it in.

And this is where he’ll lose his leverage with the media. Once people realize that they’re only going to hear the same bad semblance of a campaign speech for the 40th time in a row, they won’t be so ready to cut to that empty podium and wait for 20 minutes just to air Trump yelling ‘Crooked Hillary’ to whoever will listen.

And this means that in order to keep the media’s attention he’ll have to keep upping the outrage factor, which will increase the likelihood that he’ll repeat the Khan debacle and say something he won’t be able to buy back the heat from.

He’s walking a tightrope, and the tightrope is getting narrower all the time. This will be a very slow implosion, but an implosion it will be, I can tell you that.