
John Oliver Turns His Pitiless Gaze on the US Jury System [VIDEO]

KGxvi8/17/2020 3:12:33 pm PDT

re: #241 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I’m going to lose it if he runs again in 2024 and really throws a wrench into the GOP trying to rehabilitate itself.

Ideal scenario:

Biden wins the Electoral College with over 350 votes.

Trump announces he’s running again in 2024 like almost immediately.

He spends the next two years bitching about everything Biden does. But Biden does start to turn stuff around.

After the mid-terms Biden announces that he won’t seek re-election.

Harris announces she’s running in 2024. We end up with a Harris vs Trump campaign in 2024 with a third party Huntsman/Kaisch ticket just begging people to not vote for Trump. Trump manages to come in third in the electoral college.

ETA: also, Madam President Harris.