
The GOP and Creationism

fish2/23/2009 9:57:40 am PST

re: #77 Sharmuta

There’s still a lot of ignorance out there about evolution- people just don’t take the time to read up on just how validated the theory has been in the last few decades. There’s plenty of resources out there for people to learn about it.

And it’s this lack of understanding of the theory that plays right into the DI’s hands.

I agree there is a lot of ignorance out there.

For example I think on of the biggest problems for Republicans is the problem that I have recently discovered about my own conversations on the topic. Namely what I call Itelligent Design and what I am thinking about when discussing it, is not the same thing that other people think of. I wholeheartedly believe that if Jindal, Palin and the others knew that when they said ID, people were hearing “the Earth is only 6000 years old and made by magic” they would stay away from the topic. I have posted before my understanding and feelings of ID, so there is no need to go in to it here. Suffice it to say I know the Earth is 4.5 billion years old and that Natural Selection and Evolution have shaped every living thing on this and any other planet. I am pretty sure that Jindal and Palin know this as well (Although I have never spoken to either of them on the topic)

It comes back to the nature of the debate, While there are those on the fringes (Disco Institute et al.) Who do believe in YEC, I think there are many more like me who want to make sure that as our understanding changes our teaching changes with it.

However, right now when I say “Intelligence” many hear “creator” and still others hear “God” and they fight me. If the debate were not so bitter, both sides might hear what the other was saying and realize they are not as far apart as thought.